Aaron SananesAaron Sananes

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Hybrid Web

Creative Web


Driven by curiosity and a passion for professional development, I have navigated diverse professional landscapes, transforming challenges into opportunities for personal and organizational growth.

  • 2020 - Present

    TB Auctions

    I have played a pivotal role in building and maintaining the Storefront platform that powers all of the brands. This includes developing a front-end framework that enables rapid prototyping, creating responsive layouts that adapt to various devices, and ensuring accessibility and performance standards are met. I work closely with developers and other stakeholders to ensure that design and functionality are aligned, and that the end product delivers a seamless user experience.

  • 2012 - 2019

    Pixel Union

    Pixel Union is a digital agency and a seller of e-commerce themes and apps. I lead design at our agency early on, transitioning later to Direct of Product, leading the design and production of our first apps. Over the subsequent years I took on varying levels of product direction within our Apps division until a mass layoff in Spring 2019.

  • 2016 - Present

    Adaptia Design

    As Creative Director, I oversaw all design projects, working closely with other members of the team to ensure a personalized approach in creating human-centered products. My key focuses were to handle all design and development projects, communicate closely with clients, implement user research, create branding, and meet strict deadlines.

  • 2012 - 2016

    Anova Culinary

    Served as a highly skilled and dedicated Senior Product Designer at Anova, bringing a wealth of experience and a proven track record of leading art direction for projects and ensuring consistent client satisfaction.

  • Jan 2015 - Nov 2015

    Veer One

    Played a pivotal role as a frontend developer and designer at Veer One, the world's first high-frequency, machine-learning marketing OS designed to revolutionize the advertising and SaaS industries by enhancing customer experiences across all touch-points and throughout the entire purchase journey.

Latest Work.

Driven by a passion for innovation, I deliver exceptional web design and development solutions that blend technical precision with creative excellence, consistently exceeding client expectations through robust and compelling digital experiences.