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Hybrid Designer & Creative Developer crafting cutting-edge and innovative interactive experiences using modern web technologies.
Over a decade of experience in design and development, specializing in crafting intuitive, user-focused interfaces for websites, apps, and digital products.
Co-Founder of ConfluxConflux and other startups. Currently working at TB AuctionsTB Auctions. Previously worked at Pixel UnionPixel Union, AdaptiaAdaptia ,Veer OneVeer One and many others.
Born and raised in Canary Islands, Spain.
Driven by curiosity and a passion for professional development, I have navigated diverse professional landscapes, transforming challenges into opportunities for personal and organizational growth.
I have played a pivotal role in building and maintaining the Storefront platform that powers all of the brands. This includes developing a front-end framework that enables rapid prototyping, creating responsive layouts that adapt to various devices, and ensuring accessibility and performance standards are met. I work closely with developers and other stakeholders to ensure that design and functionality are aligned, and that the end product delivers a seamless user experience.
Pixel Union is a digital agency and a seller of e-commerce themes and apps. I lead design at our agency early on, transitioning later to Direct of Product, leading the design and production of our first apps. Over the subsequent years I took on varying levels of product direction within our Apps division until a mass layoff in Spring 2019.
As Creative Director, I oversaw all design projects, working closely with other members of the team to ensure a personalized approach in creating human-centered products. My key focuses were to handle all design and development projects, communicate closely with clients, implement user research, create branding, and meet strict deadlines.
Served as a highly skilled and dedicated Senior Product Designer at Anova, bringing a wealth of experience and a proven track record of leading art direction for projects and ensuring consistent client satisfaction.
Played a pivotal role as a frontend developer and designer at Veer One, the world's first high-frequency, machine-learning marketing OS designed to revolutionize the advertising and SaaS industries by enhancing customer experiences across all touch-points and throughout the entire purchase journey.
Driven by a passion for innovation, I deliver exceptional web design and development solutions that blend technical precision with creative excellence, consistently exceeding client expectations through robust and compelling digital experiences.